Dear Client

You are part of our community and it goes without saying that our thoughts and support are with everyone affected by the recent global outbreak of COVID-19.

Standard Bank Group recognises the gravity of the outbreak, and we continue to monitor the situation closely and want to assure you that we have rigorous business continuity processes and protocols in place.

Part of this plan is to ensure we fulfil our duties to our clients by ensuring that you can continue conducting your banking operations using our channels.

We encourage you to make use of our Business Online: web and mobile app channels, which are available for your transactional banking needs. While the web channel allows you to conduct fully fledged banking, the mobile app enables you to reset your password, view balances and statements and fully audit, approve and authorise your batches, payments and beneficiaries in the comfort of your own home.

To bank from anywhere download our Business Online mobile app from Google Play or the Apple App Store now

Play Store here

Apple store here

Should you encounter any disruptions or require further information on our transactional banking channels, please feel free to contact us.